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In any relationship, communication is of prime importance and especially when you want to woo someone or are dating a person you know nothing about. Whether it is online dating conversation topics, or tips for conversing with someone on a first date, we’ve got you covered. If you are in a relationship and want to know how to ask serious questions, or you want to flirt over text, our conversation tips will ensure you not only get a response, but also how to engage further.

And if you are interested in dating app conversation starters, we will give you the perfect way to pique your match’s interest. Genuine, helpful and practical tips from people who have done it all, and know what exactly makes one swipe right.

For the ones who love to text, we have text conversation tips to steer clear of the ‘hmms’ and the monosyllables. If stating the obvious has been your game so far, we will help you take it a notch higher by giving you tips on how to pick up on the cues and make way for meaningful text conversations with your significant other.

And if we may, it goes without saying that listening is a critical quality to make any conversation a success. That eye contact, that interested look, that slight giggle, that infectious laugh and a little bit of patience -the perfect recipe for deep conversations that can eve take the direction of being sensual.

With these dating conversation tips, the conversations will effortlessly flow, and there will be not a dull moment. If you are an introvert, we have helpful tips on how to break the ice, and of you love to talk, we will let you know the cues when the other person thinks it is getting too much!