Crushes….Haven’t we all seen phases of infatuation with butterflies in our stomach and feeling all mushy when a special person passes by us? Haven’t all of us felt that hot blush the moment we make eye contact with a special someone. The puppy eyes, the raging hormones, that nervousness and awkwardness, that fiddling and confusion – crushes are limited to teenagers going through sexual development but are also increasingly common in adults in committed relationships as well.

Cupid can strike all of us, at different stages of life- but the important part is to know how to handle our desires of the heart. More often, a crush is usually a one-sided relationship, and if you want to take it further, there is a lot you need to know. Whether you feel attraction, lust or genuine feelings of love, crushes can be difficult for anyone

The fantasy of having a crush can be made into a reality only if you know whether your crush likes you back, and if they do, you’d want to know how to start a conversation without being jittery. We have wonderful tips and tricks to help you figure out your own feelings and give you an inkling on what’s happening with your crush. We will also help you decode mixed signals and help you to catch the right cues at just the right time.

There is also a possibility of your crush not being interested in you, so yes, the fear of rejection and getting your heart broken is also real. Though it can be hard, it shouldn’t be something that dents your confidence. We will help you with processing your emotions and growing from the experience of rejection, which actually is a part of life. Pound your pillow, feel the pain but then get up, for you are brave and as they say- ‘there are plenty of fish in the sea’! Who knows what better is coming up for you!