Having conflicts and disagreements in a marriage or in any relationship is inevitable, and completely natural. The more you know each other, the more differences of opinion arise, but what if one partner refuses to believe they can be wrong? Dealing with a husband who thinks he does nothing wrong can be a tough nut to crack.
As long as both partners involved in the relationship are able to resolve their disagreements within the healthy boundaries of a relationship, it is all good. However, when one of them strongly believes they are always right, it can be a challenging and stressful situation. If your husband never admits he’s wrong but continues to belittle you, it is time to take a deeper look at the situation and analyze what can be done to achieve a harmonious relationship.
In this article, we will discuss why your husband feels he is always right, and how you can effectively cope with the situation without compromising your marriage or self-respect.
What Makes A Husband Think He Does Nothing Wrong
It starts with the little things.
His refusal to follow directions when a shorter route is available.
His justification for why he did not pack the umbrella even though you told him it might rain.
His stubbornness when someone tells him a particular rule in the game does not exist anymore.
You ask him to get milk but he says, “There is enough in the refrigerator” only for you to realize later that there isn’t enough.
When confronted, such people resort to arguments, distorting reality by a large margin.
“That way would have potholes, I know better.”
“We wouldn’t have gotten stuck in the rain had you stepped out of the store 10 minutes earlier.”
“He knows nothing, I always won those games back in the day.”
“Someone must have drank up the milk, and that’s why you couldn’t make the coffee. I am telling you, there was enough.”
Yes, all of this indicates you are with a man who feels he can never be wrong. There is an “I am always right” entitlement, and not in a good way. Such people feel (rather, are convinced) they are always perfect and correct.
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Unlike someone who can admit to their mistakes, a person stuck with the “I can never be wrong attitude” can make the lives of others around them miserable. And that is why you are here today looking for reasons and solutions to the question, ‘Why does my husband think he does nothing wrong’. Broadly, we can classify the reasons as below for your never in the wrong husband:
- He has a fragile ego: According to psychologist, speaker and author Guy Winch, most people who consistently refuse to admit they’re wrong do so because they have incredibly fragile egos1. People with fragile egos have a constant need to be perfectionists and do not take criticism in the right spirit. They have the urge to control and evaluate themselves based on acceptance of other people
- Childhood traumas: Perhaps your husband grew with one or both parents who were perfectionists. As a child, he must have felt undervalued and only rewarded when he was right. He may have developed the idea that being wrong is being weak, and that is why he believes he is always right. He is rigid, because he associates it with being strong
- Macho image stuck in the head: If you are thinking “why does my husband never admit he is wrong,” it could be because he associates being wrong with feminism. Maybe he grew with a male figure who was a narcissist and dominated everyone. That is all he has known, especially if his mother or close female figures were always told that they are wrong. He has come to believe that you can also never be right, and that is ingrained in him
- He has a low self-esteem: What is wrong with someone who never thinks they are wrong? They have a low sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Even when presented with contradictory evidence, your husband refuses to believe he was in the wrong. Such people see imperfection and fallibility as a blow to their self-worth, and do not accept being wrong, ever. In an attempt to believe they are always right, their defense mechanism comes into play by altering the facts and realities to suit their ‘right to be right’ situation.
The above listed reasons would have given you some insight as to why your husband has the uncanny need to be always right. Living with a spouse who thinks they know everything can be mentally taxing and will put a strain on your marital bond. Recognizing these signs is essential for addressing potential communication issues and maintaining a healthy and balanced partnership.
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10 Signs You Have A Husband Who Thinks He Is Always Right
At the start of a relationship, everything is rosy, and even if your husband asserts his views against you, you will not mind. Gradually, as you begin to settle into your new life, you will realize how trivial you have become in your marriage. Your husband will have a say in everything, he will frequently dominate conversations and will even not ask for your input.
Before this happens, there will be signs that he firmly believes he is never wrong, and recognizing them early on will help you take concrete steps well in time. Watch out for the below signs of a husband who thinks he does nothing wrong:
1. He turns everything around on you
He had an important meeting, but he forgot to prepare the presentation for it – because of you.
Your daughter scored less than average marks in her PSATS- because you are not giving her enough time.
The washroom door lock broke because you did not get it repaired when it just started to malfunction.
What’s common in all the above examples? You. Everything happened because of you. If you are the cause of everything happening that is not in line with his expectations, then know that your husband is exhibiting narcissistic tendencies. If he is a perfectionist, everything that is ‘not perfect’ in his life will find its cause in you.
He does not realize the presence of any external factors that could be behind these incidents. It always has to be you. And his lack of self-awareness never makes him reflect on himself. So you will always find him blaming you for everything that goes wrong.
2. He is highly critical of you
Your life choices. The way you dress. Your hair. The way you walk. How you drive. Your cooking. Just everything about you is on his radar, and it is never good enough. Not only this, he may even judge you for your choices. A wrong husband will always amplify your flaws, judging you and putting you down to avoid addressing his own insecurities and low self-esteem.
If you are wondering why “my husband is always correcting me,” it is because he believes you can never be right. And because he thinks he is always correct, he takes it upon himself to correct you. There is only one right perspective, and that is his.
3. He gaslights you
If you try to reason with a never-in-the-wrong husband, he will distort the facts and create scenarios that somehow make you willingly take the blame for everything going wrong. He will present you with arguments that will make you doubt yourself, thus attacking your self-esteem and becoming the hero himself.
Manipulation of any kind is bad for a marriage, and when you notice your husband pulling out these tactics just to shift blame, it can be heartbreaking. It also indicates you are in an emotionally abusive relationship. However, keeping yourself sane can help you outsmart him at his own game.
4. He always has to win
All couples fight and have arguments. Arguments help them see a problem from two perspectives and arrive at a common ground. But if your ‘always right’ husband fights only to win and to have the last word, it is a warning sign. He does not consider anything else than what he thinks, and what he thinks is never wrong. He will be rigid in his ways, and there will be no way he will let anyone else have the last word.
Your husband never argues to find a solution, he only argues to prove himself right. Even if that means resorting to false accusations, distorting the facts, or shifting the blame, all that matters is that he proves that he is always right.
5. He never apologizes
In healthy relationships, couples apologize to each other when they are wrong. Apologizing has the power to soothe the hurt, heal the relationship, and pave the way for reconnecting again. But if your husband never apologizes, he believes it is for weak and wrong people, and he is neither.
He believes he is always right, and because of this, he has a hard time feeling sorry for something he has done. Even if, by an odd chance, he apologizes, it will be very hard for him and not at all genuine. He is probably apologizing to you under some pressure, not because he feels guilty that he has done something wrong.
Being unable or unwilling to apologize, even when your husband is clearly in the wrong, suggests an ego-driven attitude. If your husband rarely admits his mistakes or takes responsibility, it’s worth addressing this pattern.
6. Your opinions do not matter to him
Are you thinking, “My husband says no to everything I suggest”? Well, that is because your perspective does not matter to him. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but by not paying any attention to your opinions on matters that concern you both as a couple and as a family, your husband shows his disrespect to you.
If your never-in-the-wrong husband consistently dismisses or trivializes your emotions, it is a huge a sign that he thinks his perspective is more valid. It also indicates he does not value your presence in his life and your role in the marriage. Such abusive behavior can cause emotional detachment in the marriage, ultimately failing it.
7. He never compromises
Do you often feel your husband thinks he knows everything and is right about everything? Do you think he has an issue meeting you halfway and finding constructive solutions to a problem? Well, your husband’s behavior is a sign he thinks too highly of himself and considers it against his worth to arrive on a compromise.
When a couple disagrees on something yet values their partner and the relationship more, they mutually agree to settle their differences. This helps them strengthen and maintain their marriage. But a husband who believes they’re infallible might struggle to compromise or meet halfway during decision-making. His “I can never be wrong” attitude may ultimately lead to power-imbalance in the marriage ad weaken the bond.
8. He gets angry when it is his mistake
When your husband makes a mistake, he has a hard time accepting it and generally gets defensive. His behavior gets rigid and he shows resistance to owning his fault. He gets mad that he has been proven wrong and this is because he is most likely a serious perfectionist. He feels his self-worth is being attacked and his defense mechanism gets kicked in.
You may be feeling “I do everything for my husband and he does nothing”. He feels entitled while you are left with the feeling of not being valued at all. And when you bring this up, he storms out of the house, angry and mouthing unpleasant words.
This also is a signal of his anger issues, which may pose problems in your marriage in the future.
9. Your husband belittles you and your achievements
How your husband treats you (and others) can give you an inkling of whether you should start to make an exit plan right now or not. If your husband keeps belittling you, making jokes on you, insulting and humiliating you then there is no reason good enough to stay in this marriage. Such behavior should serve you as huge red flags and you should be looking for options to break free.
Someone who has a superiority complex will always undermine everyone else. If your husband makes you feel small when he fancies, understand that it is a type of emotional abuse.Your husband’s mean and hurtful comments will make you question yourself- while he will feel empowered on having an opportunity to correct you.
10. He cannot take any constructive feedback
Healthy marriages comprise of couples who give compliments and positive feedback to each other on regular basis. This helps them establish a ground for listening and addressing their complaints too. A happy marriage is based on the understanding that the partners want the best for each other.
But if you are thinking , “My husband misinterprets everything I say”, then it is a sign of a husband who cannot take constructive feedback. Your suggestions are futile because he already believes he is perfect. Your attempts at explaining your hurt will not be met with empathy because he thinks he is superior and you cannot be more wrong. In such a marriage, you cannot feel safe and your husband’s toxic behavior will ultimately get the better of you.
Now that we have established how does a husband who thinks he is always right behaves and conducts himself, let’s move on to the next section.
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How To Deal With A Husband Who Thinks He Does Nothing Wrong
If you are considering dealing with a husband who thinks he does nothing wrong, the below pointers will come in handy. You need to have the willingness to work together to maintain a healthy and harmonious relationship. Remember, with effective communication and the right approach, we can make our marriages better, one small thing every day.
Living with someone who believes they are always right can kill your self-respect and confidence. Being taken for granted and not valued in your relationship can take a toll on your mental health as well. That is why it is imperative to find ways to deal with a husband who thinks he is always right. The below steps will help you:
1. Remember, it is not your fault
No matter how your husband turns everything that goes wrong onto you, remember that his need to be always right is not your problem. He probably behaves the same way with everyone else, his siblings, colleagues, friends.
He thinks he is superior to everyone else , and refuses to acknowledge or accept his mistakes. It is his attitude that is the problem, do not take it on yourself. He is the one who needs to fix this, not you.
2. Foster open and respectful communication
If you feel you want to work on this marriage, you can initiate communication on the issue with your husband. Create an environment where he also feels safe and validated to talk to you. Follow the below steps:
- Choose a private and quiet setting where you can have an open dialogue without distractions
- Make sure you both are relaxed with time to spare for the discussion
- Use “I” statements to express your feelings, and avoid pointing fingers or assigning blame
- Be empathetic, you must try to understand where he is coming from
- Assure your husband that he can express himself without fear of judgment, and that you expect the same
- And when you feel he can listen to you, tell him how his behavior is affecting you individually and your marriage as a whole
- Share your expectations, assure him together you can lead a much more fulfilling life together
This is definitely a sensitive issue, but effective communication is the cornerstone of a strong marriage. Use it to the best.
3. Highlight your mutual interests
You are married, and that is the basis of all your conversation. If you and your husband value your bond, you would do practically everything to make it last. You can:
- Focus on areas of agreement and shared values
- Find common grounds where the two of you have/are working as a team
- Make him realize how this “I am always right” situation is impacting your relationship negatively
- Take him down the memory lane to make him understand this marriage is not a battle ground where he has to always win
- Emphasize the importance of compromise in maintaining a balanced relationship
4. Encourage self-reflection
Encouraging your husband to engage in self-reflection is a compassionate and proactive approach to addressing the belief that he can do no wrong. It will help him view the situation without the fear of losing or being judged. The below steps may prove to be helpful:
- Ask him thought -provoking questions, that make him introspect. Ask him how would he feel if he were in your shoes?
- Remember to keep the tone friendly and non-judgmental or condescending
- To encourage him, you can suggest journaling
- Share your own self-reflection, and learning from it
Give him time and be patient. Remember the goal is to create a relationship in which both partners can learn from their mistakes and strengthen their bond.
5. Set boundaries
To address the issue of your husband thinking he can do no wrong, you can establish boundaries and set rules for arguments and disagreements. This will help you arrive on a same page in the event of a conflict, without compromising on your self-worth or respect.
Remember that the aim is not to control each other, but to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. You are not there to make each others’ lives miserable, but to realize goals that you cannot achieve single-handedly. Your husband will gradually tune into the idea that he is a human after all, who can be wrong sometimes.
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6. Lead by example
Taking charge of your relationship by leading by example will help set the stage for positive changes within the relationship. Your actions will eventually make your ever-in-the-wrong husband reevaluate his own behaviors and attitudes. You can:
- Be vulnerable with him. When you make a mistake accept it fully and take responsibility
- Listen to his perspective without rolling your eyes or jumping the conversation. Make sure he feels heard and this will pave the way for reciprocity
- When you make a mistake, apologize and offer to make up for things
- At all times, maintain a calm attitude and do not feel instigated
- When he is genuinely right, do appreciate him
7. Celebrate small wins
When you notice instances where your husband demonstrates self-awareness, accountability, or willingness to see things from a different perspective, express your genuine appreciation. If you notice him trying to make amends and acting on your inputs, make sure he knows that you noticed it. Communicate how these positive changes positively impact your relationship.
Transformation does take time, but small wins like this should be rewarded. Celebrate the two of you coming together with some special moments. Plan a date-night, surprise him in bed or simply cook his favorite meal. You will soon start to notice that he will be more open to your suggestions now that he has seen how including you in his decisions and not striving to be always right can make his life better.
8. Seek counseling
Incase your husband is rigid in his approach and does not believe in collaborate approaches, ask him to take the help of a mediator.
- The guidance of a trained therapist or counselor can provide a neutral and supportive environment for both partners to address their concerns
- They can also provide you with specialized tools and resources which can help you improve your relationship
- Counselors are skilled professionals and they can help foster a clear and concise approach to help you navigate your relationship issues
9. If nothing works….
If you’ve exhausted various strategies and approaches but still find that the situation remains challenging, it’s important to consider your options and make decisions that prioritize your well-being and happiness. Being with someone who never sees faults with them can be a nightmare.
If his problems are rooted in deep-seated psychological issues or insecurities, and nothing has helped him, then it may be time to priortize yourself and do the best you can for yourself. If you feel stuck, overwhelmed and unhappy, seek professional guidance. Your husband treating your poorly is not something that you should tolerate, so be brave to take some strong decisions.
Key Takeaways
- A husband who thinks he does nothing wrong can be a nightmare to live with
- Recognize the signs of his superiority complex early on and remember, it is not your fault
- Work out on ways how you can make your husband value you and your opinions
- Seek counseling if he understands the gravity of the situation
- If nothing works, consider putting your mind elsewhere and eventually draw the curtains on this unfulfilling relationship
It’s crucial to remember that your feelings, needs, and opinions are valid. You deserve to be in a relationship where your concerns are acknowledged and respected. If your gut feeling is that nothing is ever going to change, it is best to move on and find something that gives you peace and happiness.